General, Política actual, Salud — 29 abril, 2009 at 9:36 am

Al Gore gana dinero con la gripe porcina / El brote salío de una granja en Veracruz propiedad de una compañía norteamericana


El profeta del cambio climático también parece tener una bolita mágica con las epidemias pues el Premio Nobel Al Gore se está lucrando de lo lindo con la medicina para la gripe, gracias a su acuerdo con una compañía de Donald Rumsfeld.

Por si alguien no se ha dado cuenta de que todo lo que nos cuentan es una sarta de mentiras: QUE SE ENTERE TODO EL MUNDO. Los supuestos Y ÚNICOS colaboradores del atentado de Londres de «Al Qaeda» han sido declarados inocentes. ¡Ya veréis como no sale en ningún sitio a pesar de que la noticia viene de Europa Press! Por si no lo habéis entendido, no hay trama musulmana.

Más abajo, noticia de La Voz de Aztlan, en la que se detalla el posible foco de la epidemia.

Los Angeles, Alta California
April 27, 2009
«Swine Flu» epicenter is a huge US owned
hog farm in the state of Veracruz

[MAP] Various news outlets in Mexico, including the Mexico City newspaper La Jornada, are reporting that the «nexus» of the Swine Flu virus is a huge swine «factory» named Granjas Carroll which is a subsidiary of the US hog giant Smithfield Foods. Grangas Carroll is located near the village of La Gloria and about 100 miles east of Mexico City.
The Swine Flu which is creating widespread panic in Mexico and throughout the world appears to be caused by a strange concoction of swine, avian, and human viruses that were fermented in the Grangas Carroll smelly hog fecal ponds that attract millions of flies. Veracruz newspapers are reporting that about 60% of the campesinos in La Gloria are now infected with pulmonary and flu like diseases. Three children have died of the disease and many are presently hospitalized. The outbreak started as early as December 2008 but has been kept under the rug. Smithfield Foods executives are denying that viruses can be transferred from hogs to humans or that their pigs are infected with Swine Flu.
Journalists are also accusing Veracruz politicians and government officials of corruption because of their attempts to cover up the origin of the infections. News reports claim that corrupt politicians are protecting the interests of the US corporation. Yesterday, Veracruz state authorities arrested 5 campesinos and accused them of bringing up false allegations against Granjas Carroll. La Jornada is reporting that the Mexican Congress has called for an investigation of Smithfield Foods to determine their responsibility in the Swine Flu epidemic.