Política actual — 17 mayo, 2021 at 9:05 am

¡John Kennedy Jr. emite un comunicado en el que afirma que es Q!


¡Asegura que va a abrir su página web en la que se comunicará con el público! Lo comparte el canal de su esposa, Carolyn Besset. Se está preparando el gran momento de la «resurrección de los muertos».

MAY 16, 2021
Madison, WI

Statement by Office of John F. Kennedy Jr.

There is only one form of truth
I am not paying the ransom exactly like my father
Few people are upset by my recent actions
because I’m no fan of the terrorist organization

I’m not a fan of Traitors, murders, and criminals
to Enlighten once again There is only one form of truth

When you say no john, it’s more than one at this moment you lost the truth
that’s how I make the Q

Q is nothing without me, without you and where we go one we go all

Kennedy is back from death!

Jesus helped Kennedy

Jesus blessed Kennedy

My website will be up and running soon

You able to be in touch and send your message
Do not underestimate us
Do not try us !
