Política actual — 20 julio, 2021 at 9:57 am

El General Flynn da un ultimátum a los políticos y funcionarios implicados en el fraude electoral


El General Flynn acaba de publicar este duro ultimátum dirigido a los políticos y funcionarios del condado de Maricopa, Arizona, y de otros estados, implicados en el robo electoral, urgiéndoles a que confiesen lo que saben y consigan una reducción de la pena. El peso de la Justicia les espera, y el tiempo se les acaba. El tono de su mensaje indica que la advertencia va muy en serio…
Maricopa County officials (and other county and state officials around the nation who are hiding from the truth or lying to the American people and to themselves), The American public is willing to forgive you, if you own up to your mistakes. This doesn’t mean you will not still be held accountable but you will be forgiven. There are always consequences to one’s actions. But when you try to deny your bad behavior and get caught and don’t own up, you will never be forgiven and your life (or lives) will be miserable and you’ll never recover. The truth always rises to the top and yes, good does overcome evil. May God help you in this time of personal trial because living in darkness for the rest of your life will be pure misery.