Política actual — 18 abril, 2023 at 9:00 am

The Storm Rider afirma que China está dando información a los Sombreros Blancos sobre Joe Biden y que Arabia e Irán están limpiando Oriente Medio de agentes de la CIA


The Storm Rider está contando que un importante asesor de Obama está acusando a Joe Biden de malversación de fondos y haber aceptado sobornos cuando era vicepresidente por parte de fuentes ucranianas. La denuncia también afecta al actual secretario de seguridad, Jake Sullivan. En el mismo mensaje, afirma que el gobierno chino está sacando información de la corrupción de Joe Biden a través del banco chino afincado en Estados Unidos, Cathay Bank. Después, continúa explicando la alianza de Arabia Saudita e Irán con China y Rusia; los países líderes del chiísmo y sunismo van a comenzar a arrestar a agentes de la CIA, leales a los Clinton y Obama, con lo que la influencia del Deep State en Oriente Medio se habrá terminado. La protección a los criminales Biden, Obama y Clinton, conectadas con la CIA y los Rockefeller, está colapsando. OBAMA official turns on Biden and Obama officials< _____ Obama administration official who claims that when Joe Biden was vice president, he was involved in a “kickback scheme” related to his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, Mike McCormick, a former White House stenographer who served for 15 years, claimed that he is willing to testify under oath before the federal grand jury investigating Biden’s son, Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings. “Joe Biden is a criminal. He was conducting malfeasance in office to enrich his family. Jake Sullivan is a conspirator in that, and there’s more… Obama officials involved in it, I believe.” According to the New York Post, Jake Sullivan, who is the current national security adviser, outlined Biden’s priorities for his trip to Ukraine in a White House transcript, which included U.S. investment in the Ukrainian energy sector just days after Hunter joined the board of Burisma. “Months later, and well after the trip, Congress allocated $50 million to Ukraine’s energy market,” the news outlet said. “I’m sitting back there with a tape recorder. Jake Sullivan comes back and somebody asks about fracking. His answer is, well, we’re bringing a lot of American assistance over for fracking. Burisma was the direct beneficiary of that fracking, and that’s what I recorded, and that’s in a White House transcript,” the former stenographer said. According to McCormick, Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma just three days before Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine. He alleged that the timeline shows that Biden was sending American money overseas to “enrich” himself and his family. ___ CCP sends WARNING to BIDEN With Chinese based bank in California named Cathay Bank the CCP company voluntarily turned over Biden family banking records to senators and law makers who are doing an investigation...> insiders believe the CCP is turning on Biden and the CIA operations.

_at the same time in the Middle East one of the biggest rivals and centuries of wars between the Saudi Sunni and Iran Shia Muslims is taking a Powerful turn as both countries are uniting under the BRICS system and cutting poor the United States and CIA REGIMEN CONTROL. >>>Iran powerful ALLIANCE with PUTIN and China have now began an n ALLIANCE with Saudi Arabia > BIN SALMAN
a powerful Allie of TRUMP…….
_BEHIND THE SCENES; Both countries are expected to began the ARREST WARS of foreign agents loyal to the CIA PENTAGON , CLINTONS, OBAMA regimens.
>>> ⚠️ This is a huge WARNING to the [DS] MIL. & PENTAGON CIA REGIMEN that their influence in the middle East is done.

The protection of the Biden, OBAMA, Clinton CRIME FAMILIES connected to the CIA ROCKEFELLERS is COLLAPSING< TRUST THE PL