Política actual — 2 mayo, 2023 at 7:18 am

The Storm Rider avisa de que se vienen filtraciones sobre las escuchas ilegales sobre ciudadanos norteamericanos y extranjeros (relacionadas con golpes de estado)


Anoche hubo sesión extra de The Storm Rider, con dos largos mensajes.
El primero de ellos gira en torno al juzgado FISA, que es el que se encarga de autorizar las escuchas, el espionaje electrónico, y que resulta clave para explicar el golpe de estado militar contra Trump. Recientemente, el Inspector General del Departamento de Justicia ha admitido que llevó a cabo 3.4 millones de «búsquedas traseras», sin autorización, sobre individuos norteamericanos. El pasado jueves, el diputado Matt Gaetz cuestionó a este funcionario sobre estas escuchas ilegales, e incluyó los golpes de estado de las primaveras árabes como consecuencia de esas escuchas ilegales.
Seguidamente, The Storm Rider se pone críptico y enumera una serie de pasos, relacionados con este tema, que se tienen que dar para evidenciar el golpe de estado contra Trump, y que incluyen «quitar de en medio a los traidores, colocar a los buenos y que despierten las células durmientes».
Después recuerda que Kash Patel ha dicho que hay que seguir confiando en Durham, porque va a unir las dos conspiraciones mayores ahora mismo: la de Hunter Biden y la de Jeffrey Epstein.
Por último, vuelve a recordar que los militares están divididos ahora mismo y que las próximas filtraciones de los Sombreros Blancos acabarán por demostrar la participación de una sección de los militares en el golpe de estado contra Trump.

[ FISA] > KEYS to uncovering a MILITARY COUP

DOJ Inspector General Admits FBI Conducted 3.4 Million Warrantless “Backdoor Searches” on Americans

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows intelligence agencies to carry out targeted surveillance of foreigners outside the U.S. The FBI, however, has been using FISA on Americans through backdoor searches.

According to a 2022 transparency report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, there were 3.4 million backdoor searches conducted in 2021. On Thursday, Gaetz questioned Horowitz about these searches.

> Who ordered the FISA warrants against Flynn?
FISA warrants against Trump , campaign and aids?
>Who issued all the FISA Warrants to spy on millions of U.S. citizens.
>Why issued FISA warrants to spy on foreign governments and other governments using the Warrants to create colour revolutions as in Egypt, Libia and tried to bring down Bin Salman?
Why is Fisa so important?

Why did Q WARN so much about FISA..
How did Q know

Imagine if we weren’t here.
While difficult, it is important to understand this must be done by the book.
Average people must be able to digest and accept [factually] events.
FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1]
Bad actor(s) had to be removed.
Good actor(s) had to be installed.
Sleeper(s) had to be uncovered.
We are ready
[ FISA] leads to planned MILITARY COUP against 45
[ FISA] leads to EXPOSURE and opens doors to corrupt U S. Intelligence agencies/ ELITES/Presidents/ involved in TREASON.

>KASH PATEL told you to TRUST DURHAM (Durham saga hasn’t even began yet + EPSTEIN SAGA + HUNTER SAGA
>Trump told you «Its TREASON»
BEHIND THE SCENES; The U S Mil. Generals are divided and the white hats are getting ready to LEAK LEAK LEAK and open the FLOODS to DEEP STATE
[ FISA] > WORKS BOTH WAYS< and the military white hats have it all..... __ This is NOT ANOTHER 4-year election. Stay strong Patriots as white hats began Red Pilling the masses and bring in Congressional hearings and Senate debriefings to legally put DROPS. DECLAS , EVIDENCE EVIDENCE EVIDENCE EVIDENCE on record inside Congressional ///)/ > It all leads to LAW OF WAR. > ARREST WARS > 11.3